What's Your Mission?

"I share, show and reflect His Love, Joy & Beauty in every interaction to those who know Him, to those unsure, and to those who refuse."
This is my mission statement. Adhering to it minimizes people-pleasing, schedule overload and maintains focus. When doubting sufficiency or effectiveness in a culture constantly in motion, that statement settles and recalibrates me.
If you don’t know already, do you want to know it & live your purpose? "Purpose Driven Life" and "Cure for A Common Life" can help define it.
It's actually fun to learn what makes you different & tick.
You're crucial to God's Divine Plan.
You're significant.
Would you like to talk it out with someone who cares?
Please take center-stage next time we interact, or drop a line here to connect.
I care to learn with -- and about -- you!