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Witness Once A Day..
After asking God how to serve one morning, a neighborhood gardener named Angel was in my path for the first and, to date, only time. In...

Minding The Tongue
Feedback from a close respected & valued friend propelled me on August 1st, 2023 to be increasingly mindful of the words and volume...

"If not you, then who?"
Sharing thoughts normally sequestered to a private journal is a little scary, isn't it? My first post. The involuntary smile must...

Continually, we endure challenging rifts in relationships. With honesty, humility and Jesus' commandment to forgive especially fellow...

Unplug To Hear Him...
Right in this moment, can you stop? How much noise do you hear right in this instant? How many sounds do you hear? Can you count &...

S1CRW21CD Does that capture your attention?! Bing. Buzz. Hmmhmm. Pop. Pow.. and the sounds continue. So many sounds, sites and thoughts...

Our Daily Bread
Do you get concerned that your life will please God, or impact others on a larger scale? What is it you want to get done? Are you having...

Ironic to percolate this topic one day before National Coffee Day! T'is no wonder that fantasies about coffee, and luxurious wine,...

What is Success Really?
Recently, I've doubted & questioned my authority to encourage. Eyes closed, connecting with the Advocate gifted by Jesus* wisdom...

Pop passed into Heaven on September 19, 2016. He will be missed by many, even though he would humbly wave his hand, declaring "oh, go...
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